Humans, Robots and Your Business: How CNC Machining Affects Your Workforce

Business Blog

For decades now, there have been concerns about what effect robots and automated machinery will have on human workers. To some degree, this nervousness is understandable; our technology is constantly improving, and as we advance our understanding and our capabilities, it's difficult to know what any industry will look like in ten years' time. However, are these concerns exaggerated? Here's what you need to know about CNC machining's impact on factory teams specifically.

27 July 2018

Accessibility Now: How to Ensure Your Business Caters for Guests in Wheelchairs

Business Blog

Most people who don't have accessibility issues would be surprised to discover how difficult it can be for wheelchair users to get around. Even in modern society, which feels quite progressive and open, there are often problems — and even venues and businesses which mark themselves out as 'wheelchair accessible' aren't always. Twitter is full of stories from wheelchair users who've been told that a business is accessible only to arrive and see steps leading to the entrance.

27 July 2018

Call professional painters to brighten up your home

Business Blog

It's surprising how much difference a new coat of paint can make. A room that looked drab and unappealing can be made to feel warm and inviting with a bright new coat of paint. Painting your rooms is an easy way to improve the appearance of your home without buying completely new furniture or spending a lot of money on entirely remodelling your property. The right painters for the job

26 March 2018

Unparalleled Advantages of Glass Balustrades Over Timber Handrails

Business Blog

Whether you have a staircase in your home or a deck overlooking your property, the one mandatory safety requirement is installing balustrading. However, your choice of balustrades does not have to be based solely on functionality. Keep in mind that these railings will become part of your overall aesthetic. So if you do not want to detract from the kerb appeal of your home, you would be best advised to lean toward materials that would accentuate the visual interest of your interior design.

18 January 2018